Homologation B1 Valenciano JQCV

Those who can apply for the homologation with the level B1 certificate of Valencian knowledge from the JQCV are students and alumni who have taken and passed the Valencian subject in the following courses and educational stages:

   In all Basic General Education courses.
   In all the courses of Primary Education and Compulsory Secondary Education.
   In at least 3 courses between the 3 of BUP and COU, which are equated 3rd and 4th of E.S.O. and 1st and 2nd year of Bachillerato for the purposes of this homologation.
   In the first degree of vocational training and in two courses of the second degree of vocational training.

Processing location: Ministry of Education (Av. De Campanar nº32, 46015 València– Tlf: 963 86 60 00)

ORDEN 7/2017, de 2 de marzo, de la Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte, por la cual se regulan los certificados oficiales administrativos de conocimientos de valenciano de la Junta Calificadora de Conocimientos de Valenciano, el personal examinador y la homologación y la validación de otros títulos y certificados. [2017/1799]